How it Works
Pipe bursting is accomplished by pulling a bursting device through an existing pipe. This device shatters the old pipe and forces the fragments into the surrounding soil. The new pipe is attached to the bursting device and is thus pulled into place as the device advances.
Getting Started
We diagnose the problem with FREE in-pipe video inspection.
- The camera will verify location, condition, tie-ins if any, and the depth
- It documents any problems with line, including sagging, roots, and/or breaks in the pipe
- We then evaluate access for machinery and pipe bursting equipment
- Locate Utilities
- Set timeline for the completion of the project
- Major excavation NOT required
- Fast and reliable
- Less downtime
- Preserves your lawn, landscaping, patio, driveway & interior floor slab
- Minimizes disruptions
- Environmentally Safe
- Proven Success
- Save MONEY
How we replace your hold or problem sewer pipe without tearing up your whole yard
1. Small hole is excavated. New pipe is fused and fed through the old pipe.
2. New pipe is attached to the bursting head which is pulled through the old pipe. The bursting head breaks up the old pipe while feeding the new pipe underground.
3. Small hole is excavated and our Puller Unit is placed for operation.
In the old days, breaking up your yard was hard to do. Now we just dig a small hole, replace the pipe, finish and clean up!
View our Trenchless Technology brochure for more information.